the benevolent eye of a caring person
round arms of a hoister
kids from hip to hip
lips of a lusty kisser
furrow in the brow
from lower back pain
having fallen on a
sidewalk in the rain
chasing down a
loose grandchild
quit smoking as many
times in twenty years
as she’s quit dating
quit drinking
a woman of furious survival
keeps the TV on most days and nights for adult company
now and then pops a diet pill, a sleeping pill
sometimes flips to cpsan when she
feels aduthood disolving like alkaseltzer
feels herself dissolving
in frustration
dances with girlfriends
sometimes by herself
motown, aretha, tina turner
marvin gaye on the box
let’s get it on, you make me feel like a natural heard it on the
grapevine woman
what you see is
what you get
whirls her youngest son
about her tiny grand daughter
what you don’t see
is better yet
baby you’re no good
you’re no good, baby
you’re too poor
work too hard
dropped school
men gone
mamma dead
daughter pregnant
section 8
gunshots in the night
shut up and live
into the future
rich getting richer
you getting poorer
future of a caring
benevolent eyes
hip to hip
lips of a lusty
needs revolution on
a soon come day
natural woman
with a life to live
needs a job that pays
some daycare
children in good schools
grandchildren fed
weekends at play in the
green grass
medicine for the sick
clean water would be
nice, and clean air
for breathing without
affordable housing
wouldn’t that be
no gunshots, no rape
no need for war
what you see is
what you get
around here
you’re no good
around here
you’re too poor
can’t get no
can’t get no
on a soon come day.
don brennan